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ActionAid Palestine to Conclude Global TOT for International and Palestinian Youth in Palestine

a group of foreign and Palestinian trainers during TOT in Bethlehem organized  by Global Platform-Palestine under supervision of ActionAid Palestine

Enhancing Role of Youth Trainers in Creating Social Change

Bethlehem – Palestine -The Global Platform Palestine- which is the youth hub and training center run by ActionAid Palestine (AAP)  concluded the first of its  kind of a global Training of Training of Trainers(TOT) in Palestine. It brought  together 20 young participants  from 9 countries which  are starting up the Global platforms therefore this Tot was to orient them into how our Pedagogy and methodology and how to create a learning space at the Global platforms and  build their capacities in leading trainings that  play a role in social change and provide a platform for youth -led action and share experiences in this regard.

The  overall aim is to facilitate learning processes where  participants learn and acquire new tools and opinions required for enhancing impact of young people as drivers of change towards a more just, sustainable and democratic world, by empowering young people, organizations, and youth-led movements to organize, act and connect across social and geographical borders.   

This training is designed for the current and future trainers. It will provide them with the skills to deliver trainings targeting other youth to facilitate and  promote social change and inter-/cross -cultural understanding. Youth participants go on to act as influencers within their communities and networks.

 The training is focused on youth engagement in social change and youth led -action. It supports the development of knowledge and understanding, skills, values and attitudes that embed social change within the lives of those engaged and promote wider community dialogue and social change.

 The training methods included lectures, group works and practical exercises and field visits. Participants were trained on participatory techniques of training, and strategies for trainers to employ and provide opportunities for open discussion and sharing ideas. They  were assigned to practice leading training’ s sessions. Understanding and explaining the relationship of training with development was fully covered. They were trained on best practices of good learning, training  planning techniques, impact measurement, leadership, team building and feminist leadership.

Through field visits of training , international participants enjoyed learning and listening  about Palestinian context, the history and the future of Palestine. They also enjoyed field visits to different  places giving them the chance to hear, firsthand, experiences of witnesses on the ground.

One of the trainers, Mary from Kenya was happy to participate saying: “ It is a good training lasting for two weeks through which we train youth on how to work with youth”.

Doaa Deriyah, ( 19 years old) from Palestine said: “ this global TOT is very useful allowing me to know other international trainers from different countries seeking to create social change and support the Palestinian case”.

Ibrahim Abu Al-Rob (24 years old ) from Palestine : “ It was a wonderful training allowing me to share my stories and culture with international colleagues. I benefited a lot ; my training skills were enhanced and I was trained on how to be a successful trainer. I learned  many things about principles of leadership and feminist leadership and team building. I am looking forward to implement what I learned and create social change”.

Yanis , a participant from Greece said: “ I have learned a lot about Palestine, and I am feeling that I am close to Palestinian people and made new Palestinian friends”.

Julissa from Spain said: “ the training was very important because it systematically taught us training techniques , leadership and forms of power. It is an interesting experience as it taught me about the cultural and social context of Palestine and how to support Palestinians”.

Dora from ActionAid-Greece-Global Platform  said: “ this training was an opportunity for gaining knowledge and skills needed for designing training with systematic tools that will help us to develop global platform in Greece. I learned a lot about Palestine because and I have better understanding about the Palestinian case, and I feel confident when I talk about it to my friends and colleagues so that we could support it with better tools”.

Tersiah a trainer in global platform in Kenya said: “ being in Palestine was a wonderful and touching experience because it introduces us directly to the people and  their stories . This training has deepened our knowledge about components we to need to design training positively impacting  our community and responsibility we should carry towards this training”.

Suliman, a youth activist  from Tanzania visiting Palestine saying: “ Everyone has the right to have the land and a recognized state and Palestinians have the right to have the land and state”.

Training quality  coordinator in Global Platform-Palestine, Rinad Jarwan said: “ I am happy  for working on this international training of TOT  which offers a space for brining international participants from different countries together making it a unique and diverse one. We  exchanged experiences with them. There is an inspiration indicating how training contributes in creating social change. On the other hand, the existence of international  participants in Palestine will  raise their awareness about  Palestine and increase international solidarity with our case by introducing them to our case and conditions”.

Background Information


ActionAid is ActionAid is a global federation working for a world free from poverty and injustice. It is a leading international charity working in over 45 countries. We work with the poorest women and children in the world, changing their lives for good. Our local staff provide immediate, hands-on support to women and children living on the margins of survival. Together we demand action at local, national and international level. We don’t walk away until we’ve achieved lasting change.

ActionAid in Palestine (AAP) started as a program of ActionAid Australia (formerly Austcare) in 2007 and was approved as an ActionAid Country Program, managed by the International Secretariat in 2012. AAP works to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian communities, building the active agency of women and young people to understand their rights and undertake collective activism to address the protracted rights violations resulting from the prolonged occupation of Palestine. In its engagement with communities, AAP works simultaneously with women and youth groups to enhance their leadership capacity and knowledge to practice their citizenship in holding authorities and other duty bearers to account.


Riham Jafari

Coordinator of Advocacy&Communication in Gaza strip and West Bank 


+972 (0) 595242890


+972 (0) (2) 22 13 137
