About Global Platform Palestine
Global Platform Palestine
Supporting youth-led activism in Palestine. We support movements, youth networks, organizations and individuals who promote the agenda of progressive social, political and economic change in the region. Through capacity building and support to various youth-led activities, we seek to promote young people as drivers of change towards a more just, sustainable and democratic world.
What We Do?
- Let’s Work Together
Partnership enables us to achieve greater results together. We are always looking for new partners and allies across sectors. We work in close cooperation with many organisations, networks and movements in Palestine and the region. Being a Global Platform partner means working together in an active relationship, which enables both parts to achieve greater results.
A partnership with Global Platform Palestine can help you to:
- -Increase the capacity of your organisation/movement/network to ensure progressive youth-led change.
- Improve your capacity to facilitate participatory and action-oriented training with a high level of participant engagement – that will continue beyond the training.
- Initiate new youth-focused projects and activities together, either supported by or in cooperation with the Global Platform.
- Become part of an extensive international network for youth-led activism – where you will be working with inspiring, creative activists and political change makers from all over the world.
- Training and Events
Participatory and action-Oriented Trainings and Events for Strengthening Youth Led Activism
At Global Platform Palestine, we offer a wide range of tailor-made capacity building focused on engaging and supporting young people in driving youth-led change. Through exciting participatory trainings conducted in both Arabic and English, we encourage and motivate young people to take action in their communities and promote social change. Our team of local and international trainers are highly experienced in the fields of: Citizenship and Education, Human Rights Based Approach, Social Accountability, Youth Leadership and Citizenship, Creative Activism, Gender and Human Rights, social media, Facilitation, Participatory Rural Appraisal, Training of Trainers and Youth Participation in Governance. In addition, we always try to involve capacities and experts within the most innovative and progressive academic and activist movements in the region.
Tailor -Made Capacity Building for Strengthening Youth Led -activism
Our team of local and international trainers are experts in tailoring capacity building to meet the different objectives, needs and contexts of our partners. This approach is based on our effective methodology for designing, carrying out and evaluating capacity building.
The majority of our capacity building is supported by different online learning components – such as tools from Beautiful Rising and Global Change Lab. Moreover, we have experience with developing and running exclusively online training programmes.
How we work with Learning and Activism
We are Guided by our Theory of Change and Methodology for Designing out and Evaluating Capacity Building Activities
Our theory of change is a compass, not a map – it is a dynamic model that guides all of our work. In short, we aim to be a catalyst for youth-led change by empowering young people, inspire them to organise and act and connect people and movements all over the world.

L earning Principles
All capacity building activities are based on our participatory and action-oriented learning principles:

Learning and Development and Evaluation
All of our work is guided by our ‘Learning Development Cycle’ – our system for designing, carrying out and evaluating capacity building. With this system as our guiding principle, we are able to ensure that our work is supported by common quality standards, is locally rooted and makes a difference.

Our Evaluation Framework provides simple and standardised, yet very effective frames and tools for evaluation. This framework allows us to evaluate individual activities, while at the same time aggregating evaluation data for reporting and organisational learning. To monitor, document and learn from the change processes to which we contribute we make sure to pair quantitative measurements with qualitative tools such as focus groups and outcome harvesting.