ActionAid Palestine to Empower Palestinian Women through Marketing Festivals
Promoting Women's Cultural Identity
Hebron -West Bank -Palestinian women Benefiting from the projects of Women Empowerment of ActionAid Palestine(AAP) celebrated the "grapes festival 2019" in the West Bank city of Hebron, known for its rich grape agriculture.
AAP allows women to participate in the festival to express their unique Palestinian cultural identities and market their products .
Women ‘s participation in local marketing festivals aims to support Palestinian entrepreneurs women by promoting their products in the festival
AAP enhance women's access to improved and market-based business skills training and learning opportunities.
AAP’s approach promotes Palestinian women’s economic empowerment by addressing causes of women’s marginalization and gender inequalities in society.
AAP enhance women's access to improved and market-based business skills training and learning opportunities.
AAP’s approach promotes Palestinian women’s economic empowerment by addressing causes of women’s marginalization and gender inequalities in society.