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ActionAid Palestine to Engage Youth in Activities of 16 Days Campaign for Ending GBV

ActionAid Palestine(AAP) supported today a raising awareness session on issue of  Gender Based Violence(GBV) and 16 days campaign for ending GBV targeting  more than 120 students from Hebron university.

Raising their Concerns and Discussing GBV Issues

Hebron-West Bank -ActionAid Palestine(AAP) supported today a raising awareness session on issue of  Gender Based Violence(GBV) and 16 days campaign for ending GBV targeting  more than 120 students from Hebron university. Young people were targeted because they  play a crucial role in effecting positive transformative change by challenging political and social norms and addressing stereotypes that perpetuate violence against women and girls through informative and educational sessions.

 This session was organized  in partnership with Radio Alam,the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC), Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association(PFPPA) and Hebron university as one of activities conducted on the occasion of 16 days of activism against GBV.

The session included screening film and discussions to increase their knowledge and deepen their understanding about issues of gender equality and GBV by specialist social counselors. The youth were given the chance to raise their concerns and discuses community issues related to women’s rights and family protection bill and current tools used in helping women to overcome GBV.

Through the project of AAP’s “ Valiance “Basala”: Empowering women in Old Hebron City” funded by Australian Government, youth are engaged so that they could bring changes regarding GBV in their environment as they are rarely included or given a chance to actively participate in discussions that directly concern or affect them. Furthermore,  educating  youth is one of  long-term solutions to GBV as they do  not only learn how to recognize and stay away from all forms of GBV, but they are also engaged in activities for ending this community problem

Engaging youth will help them to identify risks of GBV because they have the power to take a stand against violence against women and girls and make a difference. Young people in all the countries are a major human resource for development and often work as key agents for social change, economic development.

Murshid Rijoub, one of male participants ( 18 years old) attending the session says: “ it is very useful and important session that increases our awareness about GBV”.

Razan Nasser Eiden( 20 years old)  says: “ this activity is very useful for mitigating and ending GBV namely in our Palestinian community”.

Professor of sociology in Hebron university, dr.Mosa Ajwah said: “ this is an excellent session representing raising awareness approach and contributing in building capacities of university students”.

The head of the programs of in Radio Alam based in Hebron university , Sumya Abu Ramooz said: “ those kinds of activities raise awareness of audience under the prevalence of GBV in the Palestinian community and create groups who will be able combat all forms of violence and organize advocacy campaigns for legislating rules to ensure women’s rights and change wrong social norms and educational means”.

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a global solidarity campaign that takes place worldwide each year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, until 10 December, Human Rights Day.


Background Information


ActionAid is ActionAid is a global federation working for a world free from poverty and injustice. It is a leading international charity working in over 45 countries. We work with the poorest women and children in the world, changing their lives for good. Our local staff provide immediate, hands-on support to women and children living on the margins of survival. Together we demand action at local, national and international level. We don’t walk away until we’ve achieved lasting change.

ActionAid in Palestine (AAP) started as a program of ActionAid Australia (formerly Austcare) in 2007 and was approved as an ActionAid Country Program, managed by the International Secretariat in 2012. AAP works to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian communities, building the active agency of women and young people to understand their rights and undertake collective activism to address the protracted rights violations resulting from the prolonged occupation of Palestine. In its engagement with communities, AAP works simultaneously with women and youth groups to enhance their leadership capacity and knowledge to practice their citizenship in holding authorities and other duty bearers to account.


Riham Jafari

Coordinator of Advocacy&Communication


+972 (0) 595242890


+972 (0) (2) 22 13 137
