ActionAid Palestine to Launch “Right to Work” Campaign
Hebron-West Bank -ActionAid Palestine (AAP) launched a multi-channel awareness raising campaign titled with “Right to Work”. It aims to raise awareness of youth about laborers’ rights and encourage them to receive different education (formal and informal) and create alternative economic opportunities (as small and medium startup companies, entrepreneurial enterprises, freelance work, and remote work).
Lunching this campaign coincides with the International Laboure Day which falls on 1st of May every year to shed the light on the Palestinian and International Public opinion concerning unemployment among Palestinian youth and influence decision-makers and local authorities to promote investment in sectors that could employ youth and create decent work for them. The campaign targets different marginalized groups including new university graduates, students of vocational training centers, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged youth who were unable to continue their education.
The campaign includes TV and radio episodes that discuss the causes of unemployment among unemployed youth and tools for designing polices and solutions for it. Experts and decision makers will be hosted for identifying the current national employment policies in Occupied Palestinian Territory. Social media will be used during this campaign for sending messages of Palestinian youth to Palestinian community and governmental organizations. Those messages will contain youth’s personal experiences with unemployment and demands for creating decent job opportunities. The initiatives and projects implemented by governmental and private sector for combating unemployment will be highlighted during this campaign.
This campaign is a part of the activities of the project of “Social Innovation” implemented by AAP and funded by Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The project aims to strengthen the resilience of the marginalized communities in the governorates of Bethlehem and Hebron in the south of West Bank by empowering youth to combat unemployment and promote social innovation. The project targets eight areas including Old city of Hebron(H2), Al-Samou’,Al-Fawar refugee camp,villages of Abda and Imreish,Arab Al-Frejat,Beit Fajjar,Wadi Al-nees and Taqu’.
Background Information
ActionAid in Palestine (AAP) is a part of global federation working for social justice and gender equality and eradicate poverty in more than 45 countries around the world. AAP started its work in Palestine in 2007 to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian People as ActionAid believes that they should enjoy their rights to freedom, justice and self-determination. AAP implements a number of programs through its engagement with communities and women and youth groups seeking to empower them and enhance their influential civil and political participation to understand their rights and undertake collective activism to address the protracted rights violations resulting from the prolonged occupation of Palestine. AAP works simultaneously to enhance their leadership capacity and knowledge to practice their citizenship in holding authorities and other duty bearers to account.
For more information, please contact
Riham Jafari
Coordinator of Advocacy and Communication in Palestine
+972 (0) 595242890
+972 (0) (2) 22 13 137