Hebron -West Bank -ActionAid Palestine (AAP) organized a specialist training for women in the field of “Online Marketing” in Hebron Governorate through its project of “Valiance -Basala -Empowering women in old City of Hebron(H2)” funded by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The training aimed at developing skills of women in online marketing needed for developing their enterprises to improve their economic conditions and increase their public participation in the community. In addition, women will be encouraged to establish their entrepreneurial activities and improve existing women enterprises.
The training lasted for 6 days through which trainees were introduced to the concept of online marketing, the strategic marketing plan and its elements, nature of the algorithm of social media platforms and publishing tools on Facebook and how to make ads on Facebook. Women were also introduced to the business platform of WhatsApp for marketing. Moreover, women were trained on the use of the Instagram platform for online marketing. This training will prepare women to work easily to market their products and projects. 19 women were targeted from the project's targeted areas, namely Tel Rumeida, Al-Jalajil and the southern area in the city of Hebron.
Valiance project supports women in H2 by providing them with agricultural items and equipment needed for planting vegetables and livestock farming, other commercial items and specialist trainings. Economic activities combined with awareness raising activities have supported women’s social and economic empowerment through enhancing their access to productive assets. Concurrently, women are able to address the structural causes of discrimination and violence against them through their collective efforts to analyze the social, economic and political context that affects all aspects of life.
Background Information
ActionAid in Palestine (AAP) is a part of global federation working for social justice and gender equality and eradicate poverty in more than 46 countries around the world. AAP started its work in Palestine in 2007 to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian People as ActionAid believes that they should enjoy their rights to freedom, justice and self-determination. AAP implements a number of programs through its engagement with communities and women and youth groups seeking to empower them and enhance their influential civil and political participation to understand their rights and undertake collective activism to address the protracted rights violations resulting from the prolonged occupation of Palestine. AAP works simultaneously to enhance their leadership capacity and knowledge to practice their citizenship in holding authorities and other duty bearers to account.
For more information, please contact
Riham Jafari
Coordinator of Advocacy and Communication in Palestine
+972 (0) 595242890
+972 (0) (2) 22 13 137