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ActionAid-Palestine to Support Participation of women and Young entrepreneurs in the Palestinian Grapes Festival in Hebron Governorate.


Hebron - West Bank - ActionAid-Palestine (AAP) supported the participation of women entrepreneurs in the Palestinian grape festival in Hebron Governorate, which is organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of north of Hebron, in partnership with many local and international organizations. The festival aims to enable the participants to present, promote and market their products namely grapes products and other agricultural products during grapes ‘season in Hebron governorate in the south of occupied West Bank that is well known for producing grapes.

Through AAP’s project “Valiance -Basala -Empowering women in old City of Hebron(H2)” funded by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 13 women entrepreneurs from AAP’s women groups and other young entrepreneurs within the “Start Your Business” project, implemented by Action Aid Palestine In partnership with the Bethlehem Business Incubator and Younes Social Business Center, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation by the Italian Voluntary Foundation VIS. were offered corners in this festival. The festival lasted for 3 days during which the participants were able to present and market their handicrafts and agricultural products. 

Shahd Al-Sharif, an entrepreneurial woman from Hebron Governorate, participated in the festival to present the products of her own project "Bonsai", which is a combination of agricultural techniques for the producing small trees for ornamental purposes. Shahd graduated from the faculty of agricultural engineering, but she forcibly joined the ranks of unemployment due to limited job opportunities. This situation pushed her to establish her project.


At the beginning of project, she succeeded in applying it to the olive tree, and then she continued her project with the support of AAP.

Shahad said, "I participated in the festival to increase the marketing of products, and to increase the followers of social media accounts of my project, attract more customers and reach wider audience. I am happy to participate in this festival, which I consider as a good opportunity to attract new customers, increase my presence in the community, increase my economic income and improve my family's situation. Thanks for APP for its support.

Hiba Al-Zaro is a woman farmer working on grape products in the city of Hebron. She was able to present her agricultural products from grapes in one of the festival corners. Hiba expresses her happiness to participate in this festival: “I was able to market and sell many of my products that I make from grapes, which helped me support my project and its development after the Corona pandemic, and this festival also helped me to attract many customers and build commercial relations with people and companies in many cities in the West Bank.

Background Information

ActionAid in Palestine (AAP) is a part of global federation working for social justice and gender equality and eradicate poverty in more than 46 countries around the world. AAP started its work in Palestine in 2007 to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian People as ActionAid believes that they should enjoy their rights to freedom, justice and self-determination. AAP implements a number of programs through its engagement with communities and women and youth groups seeking to empower them and enhance their influential civil and political participation to understand their rights and undertake collective activism to address the protracted rights violations resulting from the prolonged occupation of Palestine. AAP works simultaneously to enhance their leadership capacity and knowledge to practice their citizenship in holding authorities and other duty bearers to account.

For more information, please contact

Riham Jafari

Coordinator of Advocacy and Communication in Palestine


+972 (0) 595242890


+972 (0) (2) 22 13 137
